FAQ: Delivery Date

Delivery Date
Can a customer be not able to select previous time?

Yes, sure. That’s how our Delivery Date extension works: no previous delivery intervals allowed.

Can I assign this shipping date module to a shipping method in magento?

Yes, you can assign this delivery date feature to any shipping method, thus you can allow customers to choose delivery date and time if they select only particular shipping method/methods. Read on to see how to make the configurations.

Can I change delivery date info in admin panel in magento?

Yes, if needed, you can change a delivery date and/or time via the Magento admin panel. To see how to make it correctly, read the full answer. 

Can I change the date format in magento?

Yes, there are three main date formats configuration you can choose from. Follow a complete answer to learn the settings.

Can I create different time slots for different days?

This requires customization. Address our support team for assistance.

Can I exclude certain days from the delivery calendar?

Yes, sure. For example, you may want to exclude some holidays. Navigate to Sales > Exceptions: Dates and Holidays. Here you will be able to add a date which will be removed from the calendar only once or on a yearly/monthly basis. The same can be done for date intervals.

Can I let customers select only delivery date and not time?

Yes, this can be set in System > Configuration > Delivery Time > Enable Delivery Time. This setting is available on a store view level, so you are free to control which delivery date/time options should be available on different store views.

Can I limit delivery time for same day orders?

Yes, it's possible. In case you wan to limit delivery time for same day orders, you need to enable the 'Disable Same Day Delivery After' option and set a time period you need. 

Can I make Delivery Date available only to certain customer groups?

Yes, it’s possible. Please go to System > Configuration > Delivery Date > Delivery Date/Delivery Time/Comments Field > Show For Selected Customer Groups Only > “Yes” and then choose the groups you want to apply the changes to.

Can I see delivery date and time info on Magento order grid?

Yes, this data can be added to the grid. You can also sort orders by delivery date or time. Read on to see the settings.

Does this Delivery date work with One Step Checkouts?

This module is fully compatible with our One Step Checkout. Moreover, we are happy to confirm that our Delivery date is also compatible with other known One Page Checkouts.

In case of any issue, we will be happy to fix it for you. 

How can I get delivery data by API?

Use one of the examples described in a complete answer to get such shipment info as a delivery data by API.

How to show Delivery Date in pdf invoice?

A Delivery Date can be shown in pdf invoice via settings made in the 'Include Into' section. Go on reading to learn how to make it correctly.

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